演讲者 | Dr. Jianhua He | 头衔职位 | Reader, University of Essex, UK | 时间 | 2023年6月16日(周五)下午2:00-4:00 | 地点 | 江湾校区二号交叉学科楼A4009 | 联系人 | 陈阳,chenyang@fudan.edu.cn |
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Connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) holds great potentials for future transport, including significantly improved road safety and efficiency. 3GPP 5G has specified support for advanced CAV driving use cases. However, the harsh vehicle communication environment and stringent CAV application requirements present many technical challenges. Cooperative CAV will be critical to tackle these challenges and fully realise the potentials of CAV, by which computing and sensing resources and driving information can be shared to improve driving safety and efficiency. In this talk research challenges and open issues on cooperative CAV will be presented. Part of research results from collaborative EU projects COSAFE and VESAFE and research works in vehicle to everything (V2X) communication, cooperative edge computing and driving will be shared.
Jianhua He is a Reader with School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. Dr He received his PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His main research interests include 5G and 6G networks, connected vehicles, autonomous driving, Internet of things, smart transport, AI for computer vision and mobile computing. Dr He is the coordinator of EU Horizon projects COSAFE, VESAFE and SECOM on connected autonomous vehicles. Dr He has published 170 technical papers in major international journals and conferences. He is an Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters and Computer Journal. He is the TPC Chair of MobiArch’20 and ICAV’21, a Steering Committee Chair of MobiArch’21 and MobiArch’22, and an IEEE Senior Member.